Cloud phone system

Technology developments are racing ahead so quickly that you may not have heard one
of the latest buzz words/tech terms—the cloud. Or, you might have, but you’re not
really sure what it refers to. Let us give you some clarity with at least one term out there
now! Cloud based phone system refers to a phone service that is delivered to you through the
internet. In this terminology, the “cloud” actually is the internet. You may have also
hear people talk about Internet Phone Systems. These are synonymous for all
intents and purposes. The word “system” in cloud based phone systems usually refers to several phones or a group of phones that are working together through a system of interconnections. These systems are what many businesses are now using. What did people do before Internet systems? Before VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), phone systems were entirely based on the
public switched telephone network (PSTN). This network, made up of copper wires, were
what our global phone network was composed of. What are the main requirements of a cloud
based phone system? Ability to deliver calls over the internet Ability to route inbound calls to the
correct works inside a company Ability to provide telephone applications
like voicemail and call recording Whether it’s cloud based phone systems or
another type of phone service your company is considering, you can be confident that

Linx Networks has a solution for you. Our national agreements with multiple
telecommunication networks ensure clear and dependable coverage between you and the rest of the world. Has your company begun using cloud based phone systems? Let us know in your comments how the change has improved your business!

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