How to Optimize Your Data Center Hardware With Pre-Owned Equipment

Content delivery, data distribution, and business support make data centers critical for enterprises to thrive. In recent years, IT budgets have remained reasonably stagnant while cloud and infrastructure costs have only grown. This leaves system administrators seeking opportunities to cut costs by consolidating server racks and operating with higher efficiency. Increasing your IT agility doesn’t have to be out of budget. To help you prevent making security sacrifices and greater spends we have a few tips to explain how to stretch your budget further and do more with less.

Understanding  Your Equipment’s Life Cycle

Many enterprises cling to their old ways as they slowly attempt to transition to newer strategies. For instance, refreshing hardware every three to 5 years like clockwork. Routers, core switches, wireless access points, servers, and security equipment—all completely functional—are traded or discarded in this routine upgrade. We aren’t suggesting that upgrades aren’t an essential piece of the puzzle, but upgrades should and can be significantly more flexible in their frequency. Remove the manufacturer mandate dependency and choose a deliberate upgrade structure for your IT environment with a trusted third-party maintenance(TPM) vendor. This will grant you cost savings and increased IT agility on your equipment that is no longer dependent on regular upgrades to receive regular software updates. On average, this upgrade concept can apply to roughly 40 to 60 percent of your current equipment.

Adopt a Hybrid Approach to Maintenance

Hyper convergence and the cloud are synonymous with IT infrastructure innovation. As environments grow and transform, hybrid models become a more popular stepping stone to the cloud. Until recently, IT environments have been treated as one uniform piece, built to transform and be replaced simultaneously. Today, we need to approach our IT environments with a different lens that can separate the whole into several parts, each part having different priorities. Based on budgets, we can then determine which new product innovations are needed to benefit the business and which existing products can remain in place. The lifespan of the build is increased, and costs are decreased when this happens. With this approach, greater efficiency, hybridization and innovation can be achieved.

Integrate Pre-Owned Equipment

We know the thought of pre-owned or “used” equipment makes IT professionals wary, but at Linx Networks Ltd, we know a thing or two about finding the perfect way to expand networks with older generation equipment. With pre-owned equipment, you can maximize the lifespan of your servers to do more with less. At Linx Networks, pre-owned means the equipment has been thoroughly tested to meet the highest standards so your enterprise can achieve better value in the procurement of your IT network infrastructure. Pre-owned can also mean deployment, fully configured. You’ll be able to reduce possible downtime by keeping your environment running smoothly.

As data center hardware reaches the end of its warranty, don’t feel trapped to replace your systems. Capitalize on independent support for your IT maintenance needs. Empower your IT budget with 75% savings on hardware, 20% more availability within your budget, and 24/7 global support. Contact Linx Network Ltd for your Data cabling, IT Support and maintenance backed with unlimted Internet services from Netcare our IT Support and Maintenance Brand.

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