How an IT maintenance strategy can help you focus your innovation budgets

Maintenance key to minimizing risk

To me, this makes perfect sense. Optimizing critical business systems will be a key driver for IT spending, and that means leveraging vendors to “modernize or replace legacy systems.” While there is no doubt that organizations are increasingly shifting to cloud services, most organizations don’t rely entirely on cloud services. The reality is that most companies still use a mix of cloud and on-premise data centers.

In light of the global economic uncertainty, the challenge, and I daresay, the opportunity for organizations, is to leverage IT to move the needle. That’s why I see this as a good time to seize the day—decide where to channel your maintenance and innovation budgets—and embark on the next stage of your DX journey.

That’s where a sound maintenance strategy will help you.

With the right third-party maintenance provider, you can modernize your fleet of IT assets or re-channel them for other uses in the organization, so you can prioritize your budgets for digital transformation projects that propel the business forward.

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